Bunnell High School is located in Stratford CT. The school had four existing asphalt tennis courts that were in the need of re-building. The existing asphalt courts were cracked, had several areas that were heaved up causing tripping hazards, and many low spots where water was accumulating. The Town of Stratford originally was going to remove the existing asphalt, re-grade the site, and install new asphalt tennis courts. The Classic Turf Company approached the town and made them aware of post tension concrete. After hearing the benefits of post tension the town changed the specifications from asphalt to post tension.
The Classic Turf Company installed a 4″ thick post tension concrete slab over the existing asphalt. The fence frame was painted and the chain link fabric was replaced. The Town of Stratford chose to go with the the Prime Coating System as the sports surface. The Classic Turf Company gave the Town of Stratford a 20 year structral guarantee on the post tension slab from cracking, heaving, and / or settling.