Lots of tennis facilities throughout the Northeast and New England find out during the summertime that cracks on their tennis courts seem to expand and grow.
The hot heat certainly plays a role in that process. The heat expands cracks, making them bigger and more noticeable. On clay courts, if the surface isn’t watered cracks can really get out of hand and look like scorched earth.
When there’s a heat wave like this, when the sun and temperatures are just pounding on an asphalt tennis or basketball surface, it seems as if you could watch the cracks grow and grow. Asphalt absorbs heat quicker than other surfaces too, especially post-tension concrete playing surfaces. Within five years of installing an asphalt surface, you’ll be sure to be recoating it to cover up those cracks caused by intense heat waves like this.
Post-tension tennis courts installed by Classic Turf guarantees no cracking or wearing on the surface in 20 years. Courts can be installed in Death Valley or Antarctica, either way, cracking on the surface won’t occur within 20-years. Some asphalt courts in New England, where temperature and weather conditions aren’t nearly as extreme as other parts of the country, need maintenance after just a few summers. Cracks don’t necessarily hurt the play, but they sure look ugly. For such an investment on an asphalt court, people would like them to at least look playable. Oh yea, the heat affects the color of asphalt courts, causing fading and discoloration.
Tennis is a fun summer game, but courts won’t get used when cracks get out of hand, which can happen in the summer. Get a post-tension tennis court and have no worries.