
Keep up with the latest and greatest news and announcements from Classic Turf by connecting with us on social media. We regularly share pictures of our team in action building courts, tracks and fields for public and private clients throughout the region. We also share helpful information to consider before embarking on your next athletic facility project.

Reasons for Communities to Build Indoor Tennis Courts

Classic Turf Company of Woodbury, Connecticut, is known for constructing great tennis courts all over the country. Some of them are outdoors and some of them are indoors. As you’d imagine, indoor tennis courts go over well especially in areas where the weather is often too rainy or cold to properly play outside. Cold weather… Read more »

What Makes Asphalt Crack?

Drive down most roads and you’re likely to see (and feel) all sorts of cracks. It’s a shame, because those cracks wreck havoc on vehicles and make for really bumpy rides. Most roads and driveways in the U.S. are made of asphalt and concrete. Both materials are prone to cracking for several reasons. Just like… Read more »

The Benefits of Reinforced Concrete

A professionally installed tennis or basketball court is a sizable investment for individuals, businesses or organizations to make. Therefore, it’s essential that you do things right to ensure you make a purchase that will last for years to come. All too often, however, things get done not up to standard and buyer’s remorse occurs. Buyer’s… Read more »

How Nice Sports Facilities Benefit Communities

People like nice, new things, don’t they? If you were to drive around your state and visit different towns, you’d make mental notes about each of them. For instance, there are undoubtedly some that would have you thinking, “Why would anyone want to live here?” Then there would be places you’d be thinking something like,… Read more »

3 Reasons to Build an Outdoor Track on Your Property

Are you thinking about really sprucing up your property by adding a sports court on your land? The idea is certainly exciting, and while there are many options, some owners choose to have a running track built on their land. Here are three reasons why it might make sense for you follow suit and have… Read more »

What can You Do to Increase your Track Time?

If you like to run and want to increase your track time, there are certain things you can do in order to train your body to be its best. For starters, consider making a plan for your workouts such that certain days are devoted to speed training while others are for weight lifting to make… Read more »

Reasons to Get Your Child Involved In Basketball

Invented at a YMCA by Dr. James Naismith in 1891, basketball is one of the most popular sports in America, and is a rapidly growing game worldwide. Since its inception, it has been one of the most common sports for youth to participate in. There are myriad reasons to sign your son or daughter up… Read more »

Tips for Staying Hydrated When Playing Tennis in the Heat

Playing tennis in the heat causes your body to not only produce heat, but sweat to the point where you’re losing water and sodium in a big way. If you’re playing intense, competitive games of tennis and the environment is hot and humid, here are some tips for staying hydrated. First, consider increasing your both… Read more »

How to Avoid Injuries When Playing Tennis

Playing tennis is one of life’s great pleasures. When it’s a warm, sunny day and you’re on the court with your racquet playing a game against another person or “doubles,” you’re in the moment without a care in the world– except, maybe, beating your opponent(s). Plus, you’re getting exercise, moving your body, getting your heart… Read more »